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Pembrokeshire County Council: Leader’s statement on coronavirus

AT THE START of this morning’s Cabinet meeting of Pembrokeshire County Council, the Authority’s Leader, David Simpson, made the following announcement: “Further to the news yesterday that two people in Pembrokeshire had tested as positive for the Covid 19 virus, I am sure you will join me in wishing them both a speedy and full recovery.

“I can reassure you that our services will continue as usual, and all our employees can continue to attend to their work, appointments, schools and services as they normally would.

“We should all help protect ourselves and our communities by following Public Health Wales advice, particularly around washing hands and using a tissue for symptoms associated with cold and flu and then safely disposing of it.

“Anyone who has travelled to the specified areas identified within Public Health Wales advice (the information on their website is being regularly updated), or think they may have symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend work, nor health facilities such as GP surgeries, Emergency Departments and Minor Injury Units, but should self-isolate and if appropriate call NHS 111.

“I am grateful to the co-operation and hard work of all of our staff and we will provide further updates and information when we have them.

“In the meantime I can confirm that detailed planning arrangements, both internally, with partner agencies and through the Dyfed Powys Local Resilience Forum, are well underway to ensure that the Council and Pembrokeshire are as well placed as possible for whatever challenges we may face. Thank you.”

