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Vital work of safeguarding teams continues around the clock

Safeguarding for professionals

The public is being reassured that the safeguarding of children and adults at risk remains a critical priority for Pembrokeshire County Council Social Services during the coronavirus outbreak.

The Authority’s Childrens and Adults duty teams continue to operate to receive calls about children and adults at risk of harm, abuse or neglect.

The teams’ message is that we all have an important role to play in helping to protect children, young people and adults from harm.

If you think a child or young person is being abused, or at risk of being abused, please report it by ringing the Child Care Assessment Team on 01437 776444.

If you think an adult is being abused, or at risk of being abused, please report it by ringing the Adult Safeguarding Team on 01437 776056.

If you have concerns outside of office hours you should contact the Emergency Duty Team on 0300 333 2222.

In an emergency you should always call 999.

You should not try to sort the matter out yourself, or confront an alleged abuser.

Do not worry about being mistaken. It is better to tell someone who knows about protecting children, young people or adults than it is to say nothing.

What if a child, young person or adult tells me that they’re being abused?

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  • Show that you are listening and that you are taking the matter seriously.
  • Write down what you have heard using the exact words where possible.
  • Explain that you will need to share what you have been told with someone who knows about protecting children, young people and adults.
  • Ring Social Services and tell them what you know.

What should I do if I am worried about someone’s behavior towards a child, young person or adult?

  • Don’t dismiss your concerns or leave it to someone else to take action.
  • Call Social Services and tell them what’s worrying you.

Tessa Hodgson, Cabinet Member for Social Services, said: “Despite the ongoing situation with coronavirus, the vital work of our Adults and Childrens teams continues around the clock and I thank them for their hard work and dedication.

“Please, if you have any concerns about the potential abuse, neglect or harm of a child, young person or adult, get in touch.

“When it comes to protecting the vulnerable we all have a role and a responsibility to play our part.”

