Home » Waste and recycling questions answered

Waste and recycling questions answered

Are grey bags still being collected during the coronavirus outbreak?

Why have waste and recycling centres been closed?

And how can I get more recycling bags and containers?

These are just some of the regular questions being received by
Pembrokeshire County Council’s Waste and Recycling team.
With the Covid-19 situation changing rapidly it’s understandable that
there will be queries about the Authority’s services.

So a collection of the most frequently asked questions has been put
together to help residents quickly find the answers they are looking

Information included relates to grey bag collections, recycling
collections, recycling points, garden waste, bulky waste services and

It also explains how households can help at a time when key services
are stretched.

The main message for residents is that there are currently no
changes to kerbside waste and recycling collections.

The FAQs and other important waste and recycling tips can be found
at https://www.pembrokeshire.gov.uk/coronavirus-advice-and-

