ANGLESEY Council has formally started a four-year journey to create its new planning policy framework for future land use and development.
Members of the Planning Policy Committee on Wednesday, May 22 adopted a final draft Delivery Agreement document as a means to guide and inform the formal process of preparing a new Local Development Plan (LDP).
An initial six-week public consultation on the Delivery Agreement is now underway, before the final document can be approved by the Full Council and presented to the Welsh Government.
The LDP process, which expected to be completed in 2028, will involve several key milestones, including a call for potential sites later this year. Many local residents, groups and organisations will, of course, have a keen interest in matters relating to the development of a new LDP.
The Welsh Government requires all Local Planning Authorities to prepare a Local Development Plan to decide which developments are granted planning permission.
When adopted, the LDP will deliver a land use development strategy concentrating on sustainable development up to 2039. Its aim will be to:
- guide the development of housing, retail, employment and other uses
- include policies which will aid the Local Planning Authority’s decision with regard to planning applications
- protect areas to ensure the maintenance and enrichment of the natural and built environment
Anglesey’s Planning, Public Protection and Climate Change portfolio holder, Councillor Nicola Roberts, welcomed start of the new LDP journey.
Cllr Roberts said, “We want to ensure that the new Local Development Plan ultimately provides the Island with a sound framework for planning policy and future land use.”
“Our Island faces a number of major challenges in terms of planning over the coming years, including the potential development of large infrastructure projects.”
She added, “We must be prepared for significant changes in the local economy and providing land to create new jobs and affordable homes for our young people, in the right places, is vital. This will help realise our aim of creating a healthy and prosperous communities, where local people and the Welsh language can thrive.”
The final draft Delivery Agreement document consultation is now live. More information on can be found on the Anglesey County Council website.