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Flintshire’s social services annual report revealed

CABINET members will be invited to share their feedback on an annual report of the Council’s social care functions, the achievements within social care and priorities for improvements when they meet on Tuesday 20 June.

The Statutory Director of Social Services is required to produce an annual report summarising his view of the Council’s social care functions and priorities for improvement as legislated in the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 and the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016.

Neil Ayling, Statutory Director of Social Services, said:

“The report is intended to provide the public, the regulator, and wider stakeholders with an honest picture of services in Flintshire and to demonstrate a clear understanding of the strengths and challenges faced.

The report has been prepared in collaboration with several key officers and all the opportunities to improve our services are aligned to our business plan and the Council Plan.”

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Social Services and Wellbeing, Councillor Christine Jones, said:

“The Council has much to celebrate in this report, including:

·         An increased number of foster carers and connected persons

·         The completion of building work on a children’s residential property

·         A new DART (Discharge Assessment and Recovery Team) to support residents in hospital and beyond

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·         Launch of the Young Carers ID card

·         Planning work on a new residential care home in Flint

·         Lead for the North East Wales Community Equipment Service

·         Launch of project SEARCH for adults with learning disabilities and autism over the age of 25 undertaking work placements, this is the first of its kind in the United Kingdom.

In addition to the many points to celebrate, we have also identified several opportunities to improve outcomes for people living in our communities. 

It is important to us that we continue to strive to deliver the very best social care functions while balancing challenging financial efficiencies and value for money.  I welcome the report findings and support the improvement priorities that will benefit our most vulnerable residents.”

The final report is due to be published by September 2023.
