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Lovell hosts wellbeing talk for construction team in Newport

Leading partnerships developer Lovell has joined forces with the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity to deliver a wellbeing talk to the construction team at its Royal Victoria Court development in Newport.

Royal Victoria Court is located off Cardiff Road, on the site of the former Whiteheads steelworks, and consists of a stunning range of 264 two, three and four-bedroom houses and one and two-bedroom apartments.

The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity is the only charity that provides emotional, physical and financial wellbeing support to the construction community and their families. They provide a wide range of free, pro-active resources to support those in the industry and work to raise awareness of mental health issues in the community. 

The talk at Royal Victoria Court comes as part of the charity’s #Makeitvisible campaign, which is aimed at making wellbeing support visible and easily accessible in construction. The visit was split into two sections, an hour-long, in-depth talk from the charity about their mission, as well as their own lived experiences and the experiences of others in the industry. The talk was then followed by group discussions and one-to-one chats between representatives of the charity and the construction team.

Gemma Clissett, regional partnerships director at Lovell, said: “We are enormously proud to have collaborated with the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity to deliver this important information and support to our construction team at Royal Victoria Court. 

“The charity’s mission is incredibly important to us, as we know that mental health struggles are a big problem in our industry. At Lovell, we care deeply about the wellbeing of everyone who works both for us and with us, so we will continue to find new ways to support our staff going forward.” 

Sarah Bolton, Director of Charitable Services at the Lighthouse Charity said, “We are delighted to be working with Lovell to ensure that we reach as many workers as possible with a message of hope and signposting to all of our charitable services so that people can easily reach the support they need.” 

Royal  Victoria Court is being delivered by Lovell in partnership with Tirion Homes and with support from Welsh Government. The development will consist of 528 properties, including 264 open market sale homes and 234 affordable homes for rent with Tirion Homes, alongside an additional 30 properties for low-cost home ownership through Melin Homes.

Royal Victoria Court is now open seven days a week, 10am to 5pm. To find out more, visit https://www.lovell.co.uk/developments/royal-victoria-court-newport/ or call on 01633 928.

To find out more about The Lighthouse Charity visit, https://www.lighthouseclub.org/ You can also like Lovell on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lovellhomes and follow Lovell on Instagram at @lovell_homes, and on LinkedIn @LovellPartnershipsLtd. 

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