Home » Public consultation launched on new school proposal in Kenfig Hill
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Public consultation launched on new school proposal in Kenfig Hill

Mynydd Cynffig Primary School's junior site at Pwllygath Street, Kenfig Hill

A PUBLIC consultation is set to begin in Bridgend this month over proposals to build a new primary school in the village of Kenfig Hill.

If given the go-ahead by council bosses the plans would see the demolition of the current Mynydd Cynffig Junior School, as well as the neighbouring air training corp facility, and allotment gardens based in the area.

Developers at asbri Planning say they would make way for a new primary school which would be two storeys in height, with 420 primary places and 75  nursery places, along with all weather sports pitches, floodlighting.

The new site would also include the use of solar panels, a replacement allotment provision, play areas, and open spaces, as well as parking and landscaping.

The report read: “The vision is to provide a high-quality and attractive facility that aims to improve the outcomes of all its users be that staff, pupils, or parents and community groups.

“The building and its surroundings should be designed to enthuse those that use it on a daily basis, providing an environment where teachers want to teach and pupils want to learn, with the combined effects increasing educational attainment.

“The vision itself does not limit itself to dealing with the traditional aspects of a school building but also looks to provide enhanced outdoor learning opportunities. A significant landscaping scheme along with ecological mitigation and enhancement proposals are included, which incorporates a pond, bio-retention areas and orchard; all of which will create outdoor learning areas.”

The proposals had been at the centre of some concerns for residents in recent months, namely those on the neighbouring allotment site who say they will lose the land they have spend thousands of hours working on over the years,  to grow vegetables, fly pigeons and enjoy the out-doors.

Kenfig Hill Allotments view (Pic: Lewis Smith LDR)

Others have also complained about the potential for the site to cause large amounts of traffic congestion in and around the small Bridgend village during school pick up and drop-off times.

However, residents will now have a chance to have their say on the plans as the proposal will now be subject to pre-application consultation, ahead of a submission of a full application to the local council.

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A public engagement event has also been organised to provide the public with an opportunity to discuss the proposals with Bridgend County Borough Council and the design team. The event is to be held at Mynydd Cynffig Primary School, Pwllygath Street, Kenfig Hill, on Tuesday,  November 21,  2023 between 3.35pm-7pm. Others are also encouraged to make representations to asbri planning by December 8, 2023.
