Home » Llangybie glamping pods gets go-ahead despite local objections
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Llangybie glamping pods gets go-ahead despite local objections

A general view of Ton Road in Llangybi (Pic: Google Street View)

PLANNERS have given the go-ahead for three glamping pods in a field next to a country road. 

The ‘basic’ bunker style lightweight pods will be placed in a field that slopes down from Ton Road opposite a house named Brook Cottage, around one mile southwest of Llangybie. 

The community council had objected to the application, by Paul Richards, due to the potential impact on the ecology, including doormice at a nearby site of special scientific interest, and described the location as a “non-desirable location for holidaymakers due to the limited access, lack of electricity and high water table year round”. 

Two local residents claimed increased traffic along the single track access would make it dangerous and also raised concerns over impact on the ecology and of noise and light pollution. 

But Monmouthshire County Council planning officer Kate Young said, in a report for its delegated planning panel, there were no objections from the council’s highways department or its ecology officer. 

Highways said while it is accepted there is limited visibility along the access lane the entrance to the field is located among a “cluster of similar openings” and said: “movements through it are to be expected.” 

As a result, and as it accepted the number of vehicles and their speed will be “comparatively low” it said “we are unable to object.” 

Ms Young’s report stated as the modular pods will be on slanted ground, and a base could be cut into the ground for them, they won’t be at risk of flooding and won’t impact flooding elsewhere. 

A condition controlling lighting will be imposed and as the nearest residential property is 30 metres away, and on higher ground, it isn’t considered noise disturbance could justify a refusal. 

Ms Young also said it was recognised tourism in the open countryside “can never be completely sustainable” as visitors would need a vehicle but said people would likely remain in the area using the network of footpaths and could benefit the local economy, including the pub at Llangybi. 

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On concerns over a lack of power Ms Young the pods will be fitted with solar panels, although they would be unlikely to provide enough power to meet all the needs of guests. 

Concerns raised by the community council over previous “unauthorised changes” to the land weren’t relevant to the application said Ms Young.
