DROP-IN sessions for members of the public to understand more about plans for Gypsy Traveller sites in Monmouthshire are being organised by the county council.
The authority agreed at its October meeting it could start a consultation on potentially using three fields it owns – at Langley Close in Magor, Bradbury Farm in Crick and Oak Grove Farm, Caerwent – for potential sites of up to six pitches each.
As well as holding the events in Portskewett and Magor the council plans further drop-in sessions for the Gypsy and Traveller community.
Council deputy leader Paul Griffiths said: “The public consultation will allow residents, businesses, local stakeholders and the Gypsy and Travelling community an opportunity to voice their opinion on the proposed sites.
“Please take this opportunity to engage with officers and councillors on what matters to you. I would urge everyone to read the information that will be available shortly to gain an understanding of the proposals.”
The six week consultation is due to formally start this Thursday, November 9 and will allow anyone with an interest to comment on the sites.
The council has said no decision has been made on which site, or sites, will be put forward in its replacement local development plan, that sets out how land across the county should be used over the next 10 years. It is required to assess the local need for Gypsy and Traveller sites as part of preparing the plan.
Cllr Griffiths has said the authority has a “legal and moral duty” to provide the sites as demand has been established through assessments of the needs of those Gypsy Traveller families already living in Monmouthshire.
The drop-in sessions will take place at Church Hall, Portskewett, on Wednesday, November 22 and at Magor and Undy Community Hub the following day, with both events to run from 4pm to 7pm.
Further information on the sites is due to be published on the council’s website.