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Plans for 22 houses near Aberdare approved

The plan is for 22 houses on land off the B4275 in Aberaman near Aberdare (pic: Google Maps)

A PLAN for more than 20 houses near Aberdare has got final approval from councillors.

The application for 22 houses on land off the B4275 in Aberaman went before Rhondda Cynon Taf Council’s planning committee on Thursday, June 8, for reserved matters such as the layout, scale, and appearance of the buildings and access and landscaping to be considered and it was approved.

The planning report said three of the houses would meet the 10% affordable housing requirement set out in the Section 106 agreement associated with the outline planning permission already given in December, 2019.

Access to the site will be provided through improving the existing site access on the northern boundary of the site with a road extending southwards into the site towards a private drive.

The report said an estate link road provided access to the cross-valley link road that met the B4275 and A4059.

The report also said that the application site was 1.29 hectares of relatively flat land which sits between the recently-built Davies Homes development, Farm Road, and the industrial estate.

The planning report said there was one objection, claiming to represent the views of a number of residents, which raised procedural issues and concerns over contamination of the land as well as planning matters such as that the site would not be suitable for residential development, was a home to rare and protected species, and had been used for grazing for many years, along with highways concerns around the additional traffic that could be generated.

Planning officers recommended approval saying: “The principle of the proposed development has been established by the grant of outline planning permission.” They added that “the details submitted are compliant with the parameters set out in that permission and are otherwise acceptable in terms of planning policy and all other material considerations”.

They concluded: “Access to the site along with the car parking proposed is considered acceptable by the Highway Authority. The design of the proposed houses is typical of more recent housing development in the area and would read as an addition to what already exists.

“The impact of the proposals on established residential property will alter their outlook in some cases but in planning terms are considered acceptable.”

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