THE WELSH Network of Healthy School Schemes National Quality Award has been presented to Templeton CP School.
The award is given to schools that have wellbeing initiatives in place that are serving pupils at the highest level which meet all criteria set under seven health topics.
The fantastic work of the school, with special thanks given to in-school Healthy Schools Coordinator Oliver Furneaux who has led the work and evidenced it, has been celebrated.
A review of the school found that there are so many “areas of excellent practice” that it was impossible to include them all in the final report.
It featured a number of areas that were found to stand out including the focus on mental and emotional health and wellbeing with a strong emphasis on pupil voice.
Children’s ideas are incorporated into a number of different groups contributing to school life including School Council, Eco Committee, and Criw Cymrag. Staff also participate in a wide range of training to support the needs of pupils.
Initiatives such as Mindfulness, Growth Mindset, Circle time and the Jigsaw schemes of work help to develop children’s confidence and self-belief and teach techniques to manage stress and difficult emotions.
The respectful relationships between pupils and staff, and pupil to pupil, were highlighted, as was food and fitness, said to be “another outstanding area.”
Hygiene, personal development, safety and the environment are also areas in which the school excels, and the reviewers were excited to see that work towards achieving the Platinum award as part of the Eco Schools scheme is underway.
Headteacher Kevin Phelps said: “During the visit, the assessors had a presentation from pupils Ava, Riley, Amelia and Eiry who spoke passionately and confidently about the work that their school has undertaken to become a healthy school.
“Health and well-being underpins all the work that goes on at Templeton school. It is a major priority for our school, and it is very special to have it recognised in this way.
“I am very proud of the numerous processes we have in place to support our learners and staff, to create a wonderfully positive learning environment for everyone. I would particularly like to thank Liz Western, Public Health Wales, for her support and unending belief in our school.”
Health and Well-being leader Oliver Furneaux added: “As a school we are very pleased to receive the Healthy Schools National Quality Award. I would like to congratulate and thank all the children who have helped us achieve this award.
“A special mention to the children on the Healthy Schools Committee and School Council who delivered an excellent presentation and tour of our school to the verifiers.
“A final thank you to the staff at Templeton School and, outside agencies, who have helped us on our Healthy School journey.”