Home » Renting your home? A good EPC could help keep your fuel bills down
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Renting your home? A good EPC could help keep your fuel bills down

If you rent your home – or you’re considering renting – ask the landlord to show you the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) for the property.

An EPC will tell you how energy efficient the building is, and could give you an idea of what the heating costs will be.

By law, most properties in Wales need an EPC before they can be rented out.

The only exceptions are bedsits or room-lets with a shared kitchen, toilet or bathroom, and rooms in halls of residence or hostels.

EPC ratings range from ‘A’ to ‘G’ – with ‘A’ being the best rating, and ‘G’ being the worst.

Could you apply for a grant?

Councillor David A Bithell is Wrexham Council’s lead member for housing, and chair of a cross-party working group set up to support people through the cost of living crisis.

He says: “If you’re renting or considering renting, it’s worth asking the landlord for a copy of the EPC.

“Rising fuel costs are making it more expensive to heat a home, but living in a property that’s energy efficient could help keep your fuel bills down.

“Unless the property is exempt, a rented property should have a minimum rating of ‘E.’ Any less and your landlord could be breaking the law.

“As a tenant, you might be able to improve the building by applying for an energy efficiency grant, or by encouraging your landlord to apply.

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“Have a chat and see if you can work together.”

You can find out more about EPCs and energy efficiency grants on Wrexham Council’s website.
