Home » NAYYAH presents his new single Fire In My Soul

NAYYAH presents his new single Fire In My Soul

WELSH-BASED British-Asian singer-songwriter NAYYAH releases his single Fire In My Soul on May 20th. It’s a defiant protest song, produced by Mikey ‘Megahbass’ Fletcher, bandleader for Alborosie, which includes some of Jamaica’s premium session musicians. 

“Fire In My Soul is essentially a song about greed” says NAYYAH of the song’s genesis. “What the establishment and politicians are doing to the oppressed who simply can’t take it anymore. Instead of just talking about what’s wrong they are physically striking, marching and protesting. That’s the energy I wanted to capture and communicate”.

Born in Wolverhampton, NAYYAH was exposed to the Midlands’ rich reggae scene as a teenager. He was drawn to its messages of equality and justice for all. 

In his 20s, NAYYAH was a pioneer of the Midlands’ British-Asian music scene, as a member of  Handsworth-based, all-Asian pop-rock band Carpe Diem. The group won Best New British-Asian Talent at East Quest in London’s Hackney Empire. The prize was a support slot with chart-topping Leicester band Cornershop.

NAYYAH then left music to concentrate on the hotel business. But during the Covid pandemic when his work slowed down, he remembered his musical calling. Although he initially wanted to write for other artists, after meeting Mikey ‘Megahbass’, he was encouraged to sing his own compositions. 

“Reggae has been a passion for over 40 years and the flame of my dream has never gone out” says NAYYAH. “It’s been a long and winding road but the stars have aligned and now I’m in a position to make that dream a reality”. 

Fire In My Soul is the title track and signpost to NAYYAH’s forthcoming album. Produced by Mikey ‘Megahbass’ Fletcher, the project features some of the greatest session musicians to come out of Jamaica. These include Sly Dunbar, Stephen ‘Cat’ Coore, Dean Fraser, Leebert ‘Gibby’ Morrison, Wilburn ‘Squidly’ Cole, Stephen ‘Lenky’ Marsden, Paul Kastick, Shaun Darson, Robert ‘Dubwise’ Browne,  Norris Webb, Okiel McIntyre, Carol ‘Bowie’  McLaughlin, Franklyn ‘Bubbler’ Waul, Othniel Lewis and Harry T Powell, plus UK-based Gilly G, and Amlak ‘AmBassAdor’ Tafari of Steel Pulse.

Also featured are the legendary Apache Indian, Steve Grantley, the powerhouse drummer of Stiff Little Fingers, and renowned rock guitarist James Stevenson, who has played with the likes of Chelsea, Gene Love Jezebel, The Cult and The Alarm.

The single Fire In My Soul was released on May 20th on all digital streaming platforms and its accompanying video premiered on Reggaeville the same day.
