Home » Air Ambulance base welcomes first student

Air Ambulance base welcomes first student

Ffion Roberts: Work experience
Ffion Roberts: Work experience
Ffion Roberts: Work experience

WALES AIR AMBULANCE welcomed its first work experience student onto its new Llanelli airbase, who joined the WAA’s PR team to help them raise the funds needed to build the charity’s new home and gain industrial experience.

Ffion Roberts, a second year student studying Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies at Cardiff University, came to WAA’s newly built Dafen offices to gain some work experience in the charity’s media team during the Easter break from her studies.

She joined the Welsh helicopter charity’s small, busy PR team to help them raise awareness for their work across the country and fundraise for the WAA’s Airbase Appeal. Ffion is the first work experience student to come to the site of the new airbase, helping the charity to raise the funds to build the airbase in Dafen.

Ffion said: “It’s been really interesting experiencing all that goes into communicating the work the charity does with the people of Wales.

“It has been an extremely eye opening experience learning about all the amazing work the charity does. I now realise just how vital the lifesaving service they provide is to the people of Wales.

“It is also clear that none of the work they do would be possible without kind donations, as the charity relies on kind donations to fund its helicopter operations.”

During Ffion’s week at Wales Air Ambulance, she was able to watch the work on the hangar and helipad progress.

A staircase was installed in the hangar, and she was able to get one of the first glimpses of what the upstairs operations offices, meeting rooms and dorm rooms will look like.

Ffion said: “I have been lucky enough to enter the new hanger and see where the charity’s South Wales air ambulance will be stored.

“Whilst working at WAA, I could see how this was such a big moment for the charity, and I got to watch the new airbase take shape.

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“I would like to thank the Wales Air Ambulance for letting me experience the work they do for the people of Wales”

Christina Hawkins, Wales Air Ambulance PR Manager, said: “It is amazing that Ffion has been able to join us on work experience at such a big time for the charity.

“Not only has she gained experience and been a huge help in our media department, but she has been able to witness the construction of our new home.

“By helping us out in our PR department, she is helping us to raise the £500,000 needed to build our new home and to secure Wales Air Ambulance’s future.

“Our Llanelli home will give us the tools to develop our services, and it’s great that Ffion could join us in our new airbase and get some experience which will also help her develop and grow.”
