Home » Help rebuild an educational garden

Help rebuild an educational garden

Screen Shot 2016-02-24 at 15.24.57EMILY WRIGHT is hoping to raise £250 to rebuild a once loved educational garden in Trysordy, Johnstown.

Although she and a dedicated team of volunteers have worked hard for over a year, they desperately need a small amount of funding to buy essential materials.

Trysordy not-for-profit scrap store in Johnstown was founded in 2007. It recycles unwanted materials providing the local community with affordable craft materials.

But it is also so much more than that.

It provides low cost room hire to community groups and holds craft events open to all the local community. Trysordy also supports adults with learning disabilities by providing workshops and craft sessions.

A nature garden was built a few years ago by volunteers and so much effort went into building a pond, raised beds and a polytunnel. Sadly it has been hit hard by the recession and as funding dried up, the garden fell into a sorry state.

Organiser Emily Wright said: “I represent a group of home educators and home educated children who have now worked hard for over a year to bring this garden back to life. We have cut back the weeds that were taller than us. The children have put months of work into the site but we have now reached a stage where only money can help us reach the next step.

“We simply need wood to rebuild the raised beds, materials to repair the polytunnel, paint for the handmade bench, perspex to replace the window in our shed and some seeds. We would also love to purchase a bird box with a camera inside.

“As home educators, we receive absolutely no support or funding from the government or council and yet we are here now, trying to raise money to rebuild something for our local community.

“We wish to turn this run down garden back into an educational resource. A place for children and adults to learn about growing fruit and vegetables and to work together.

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“So please help us to achieve us. Our target isn’t huge, we’ve put so much hard work in already and so many people will benefit from this!”

You can donate to the cause by visiting https://www.gofundme.com/xgmrw3ts
