HOVER BOARDS hit the headlines over Christmas as the must-have gift.
Unfortunately, some poor quality imports have highly dangerous defects which cause them to catch fire.
Many children now own hoverboards and use them in public places unaware that this is illegal, which in Tenby has brought them to the attention of the Police.
Hovver Bovver; a joint initiative organised by the Youth Justice Service, Police and Fire Service went ahead at Tenby Youth Club last week to raise awareness of the dangers.
The 30 young people who attended the event heard about illegal use in public places and were shown identified areas where they could use them and told how to avoid injury and property damage if they catch fire.

Crew Manager Andrew Thicker from Mid & West Wales Fire and Rescue Service said: “It is illegal touse hover boards in public places and people have complained about being hit by hover boarders so when you put that together with the fires caused by faulty boards there is clearly a need to address these issues.”
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