Home » Last call for Welsh Dragon Boat Championships

Last call for Welsh Dragon Boat Championships

Last chance to enter: Welsh Dragon Boat Championships
Last chance to enter: Welsh Dragon Boat Championships

DON’T MISS the last opportunity to enter a boat in the Welsh Dragon Boat Championship held in Llysyfran on May 29 2016.

Mary Adams, Head of PR and Social Media for Narberth and Whitland Rotary Club explains, “the way it works is that each team needs 17 team members. One of the team is the extremely important Drummer who keeps everyone rowing in rhythm and consequently powers the boat through the water with the dragonhead dramatically at the bow breathing fire.

“Currently the teams are coming forward to enter the event. We are pleased that teams such as Dyffryn Taf School and Ysgol Preseli are again competing. We would be delighted to see other schools from Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire join in too.

“Builders Teams, Paul Sartori, Ocky White Travel, South Wales Rotary District 1150, Puffin Produce, Pembroke Power Station, Pubs Teams from Narberth, and Valero are some of the teams currently signed up.

“If Businesses, Sports Teams or Individuals want a good fun day out of Adventure then don’t delay book your team in.”

“We are keen to get more teams from Community Services such as the Police, Fire Services and the Hospitals as well as Sports Teams through out West Wales.”

The event is being hosted at Llys y Fran Country Park in Pembrokeshire – the magnificent 350-acre park site at the heart of the county. The park boasts a 212-acre reservoir on which the race itself will take place. The park – popular with ramblers, cyclists, water sports and fishing, enthusiasts boasts a family-friendly restaurant, gift shop and a vast outdoor nature trail around the man-made lake.

There is free Children’s entertainment and catering on site at the event with lots to do on the waterside. All teams have an event t-shirt to wear on the day and the club looks forward to hearing from you to enter a team.

Full details on how to enter a team can be received by contacting Rotarian Steve Lewis on 07932 798910 or by email [email protected]

You can also email [email protected] we will be pleased to help you with any queries you may have.

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