Home » Milford Haven: Housing consultant sheds 5 stone 4½lbs, and says you can too

Milford Haven: Housing consultant sheds 5 stone 4½lbs, and says you can too

Fitter and healthier: Julie Pollard
Fitter and healthier: Julie Pollard
Fitter and healthier: Julie Pollard

A MILFORD HAVEN resident has lost 5 stone 4½lbs and is now using her weight loss success to inspire the community to lead a healthier lifestyle by becoming a local weight loss consultant.

47 year old Julie Pollard, who works as an assistant at Pembrokeshire Housing told The Herald: “I decided to lose weight when she met an old acquaintance who said ‘I see you haven’t bothered to do anything about your weight!’ I laughed, it was either that or burst into tears.  I had always struggled with my weight and then when I had my daughter I found it even harder to lose weight.  I was so busy with being a mum, the rest of the family and work, that I never seemed to have time to look after myself as well”

She added: “Over the years, my weight kept creeping up and I tried a number of times to lose it, without much success. But that comment was the turning point for me. My brother had died the previous year and I decided life was too short to be miserable about my weight.  My brother used to say to me ‘if something is making you unhappy, do something to change it’.

With that moment as her motivation, Julie walked into her local Weight Watchers meeting in Haverfordwest. Julie explained:  “I was really nervous at first, not sure what to expect, but I needn’t have worried! The Leader was so welcoming and the other members were really supportive too, we were all in it together. Over the weeks, following the ProPoints plan taught me how making small changes can make a big difference – I learnt how to control my portions and make smarter food choices, it also helped me to kick my bad habits such as comfort eating and not planning meals. It was so flexible too, I could fit it around my life and the weight kept coming off. I gained more energy and confidence. Being able to buy new clothes in smaller sizes is amazing! More importantly, it has helped me to change my relationship with food, and I know I will never go back to my old ways.”

Julie also discovered a love of exercise, she now runs regularly and  has completed 2 half marathons and entered the Go-Tri events organised by Pembrokeshire Leisure and just feels better about herself.

Julie was so thrilled with her weight loss success and new healthy lifestyle that she wanted to inspire others, just as her Leader, Allie Partridge has inspired her.  Julie trained to become a Weight Watchers Leader and is now opening a new meeting in Milford Haven in January in Pill Social Centre.

“Honestly, if I can do it, anyone can. I know what it feels like to be unhappy with your health and shape, and I know all the reasons you feel like you can’t do anything about it – but I’ve found a way to turn that around, and so will you. Come along on Sunday at 10am say hello, and find out for yourself just how you can make weight loss work for you.”

To find out more  call Julie on 07973 228981
