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Research will shape NHS plan for future

MID and West Wales Regional AMs Joyce Watson and Eluned Morgan are encouraging constituents to take part in a new survey aimed at helping the NHS plan for the future.

The Health Wise Wales Survey is a confidential study that aims to track the health of people living in Wales.

Members of the public are being asked to provide simple information online via the Health Wise Wales website or over the telephone. The public will contribute their information for researchers to undertake health and social care Research and Development in Wales.

Residents can register to take part in the survey by visiting the healthwise wales website or call 0800 9 172 172 (08:00-19:00 Monday-Friday)

When they agree to take part, they will be asked to provide an email address and choose a password. Once people have joined, they will be asked to answer some questions about their lifestyle, health and wellbeing on the study website.

Joyce Watson said: “Accurate information on the state of people’s health in Wales is invaluable to our health service.

“I would urge all residents to check out the Health Wise Wales website www. healthwisewales.gov.wales and take part in this innovative research”

Eluned Morgan added: “Building a clear picture of how patients’ needs are changing means we can start working now to ensure the NHS is ready to deal with the challenges of the future. We know that people are living longer but their health needs are more complex. This research allows us to accurately track health difficulties and inequalities and design services around people’s health needs.”

If residents would prefer not to take part online they can call 0800 9 172 172 (08am-7pm, Monday-Friday)
