EDUCATION MINISTER for Wales Huw Lewis has encouraged people across Wales to dedicate some time this Christmas to reading with their children. Education Begins At Home is a Welsh Government campaign aimed at parents, grandparents and carers, encouraging them to get involved in their child’s education by showing them how little things can make a big difference.
Things like making time to read with them, helping with number work, waking them up early for school; making sure they get a good night’s sleep, going to parents evenings and asking them about school will all help them do so much better at school. The Minister said: “Christmas is the perfect time for families and loved ones to spend some precious time together. “As a busy Dad, I’m the first to admit I would like to be able to spend more quality time with my children. This Christmas I’m looking forward to putting down my ministerial briefcase and instead, getting lost in a good book with my children.”
“It really is the little things we do as parents which make a real difference to our children’s school day. “When we look to the international testing, there’s some evidence to show it’s the countries where parents get involved in the children’s education which are the most successful. If we’re to improve our standing internationally that’s got to happen in Wales as well. “This Christmas I would encourage parents across Wales to make the most of the time with their children, grab a book and make a real difference to their education.” The Education Begins At Home Facebook and twitter pages contain more information on how parents can support their child at home and help their performance in school.
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