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Restrictions on hospital visits in the local health board area

VISITING in our hospitals continues to be restricted over the Christmas and New Year period to support us in complying with social distancing measures as set out by Welsh Government. This is to protect our patients and staff as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

We appreciate that that contact with loved ones supports patient wellbeing. For this reason, virtual visiting continues in all areas and we are supporting patients in connecting with family and friends via mobile phones and tablets in a safe way.

Visiting is accommodated through the agreement of the ward manager for the following cases:
•    One parent/guardian at a time for children and babies.
•    Birthing mother – one partner.
•    Patients with learning difficulties or mental health needs – one visitor to provide support through arrangement.
•    Patients receiving end of life care and or requiring palliative care – to be arranged through the nurse in charge.

All visitors are requested to comply with infection prevention guidance, socially distance and, where able, to wear a face covering and decontaminate their hands.

Visiting should not go ahead if visitors are self-isolating, have currently or recently had symptoms of COVID-19 or been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

Our patient support team are able to help to deliver essential items to patients from their family; if you need their assistance please call them on and 0300 0200 159 and they will do their best to help you.

We appreciate that it is a difficult time for everyone and we will continue to support the wellbeing of our patients/service users and their families and loved ones in the best way we can, while keeping everyone as safe as possible. Thank you for your ongoing patience, understanding and co-operation.


