Home » Kinnock ‘should apologise’ for Powell comments

Kinnock ‘should apologise’ for Powell comments

Andrew RT Davies: Criticised Lord Kinnock’s ‘arrogance towards dissenting views’
Andrew RT Davies: Criticised Lord Kinnock’s ‘arrogance towards dissenting views’

THE LEADER of the Welsh Conservatives has called upon the man who last led Labour in 1992 to apologise for ‘appalling’ comments about Eurosceptics.

Andrew RT Davies was referring to comments made by Neil Kinnock, in which he claimed that the former Labour leader likened the ‘isolationist’ approach adopted by some Conservatives to ‘Enoch Powell winning the argument from the grave.’

Mr Kinnock was talking to the BBC about his own change of heart on the European Union – having gone from supporting the ‘no’ campaign 40 years ago to serving as vice President of the European Commission. He added that this did not apply to all Conservatives ‘far from it, but there is an activist element, a zealous element and ideological element almost that’s pulled that party in the other direction.”

The reference was to Enoch Powell, the former Conservative Shadow Defence Secretary who was sacked by Ted Heath in 1968 following his infamous ‘rivers of blood’ speech.

Mr Davies said that there should be “a sensible, balanced and rational” debate over Britain’s membership of the European Union – at the appropriate time.

However, he warned that scaremongering on either side would not only undermine the campaign – it risked further overshadowing the Assembly elections in May.

Mr Davies, said: “Lord Kinnock should apologise for these appalling comments; it’s this kind of arrogance towards dissenting views which has placed our future in the EU in the balance.

“To equate moderate Euroscepticism with the offensive views of Enoch Powell is yet more evidence of the Labour Party’s scaremongering on the issue of our EU membership.

“It’s also incredibly rich for Labour politicians to bemoan what they see as extremist views, particularly when their Leader has expressed public sympathy for the IRA, and freely admits that he wants to hand the Falkland Islands to Argentina.

“Across Wales, the public’s appetite for a referendum on the EU is clear, but the debate should be sensible, balanced, and based on a rational case for leaving or staying.

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“Not only do Lord Kinnock’s views unfairly stigmatise ordinary hardworking people, they undermine the very campaign he is supporting.

“Welsh Conservatives respect that a range of opinions on EU membership exist across our country.

“Recent polling showed 42 % in favour of leaving the EU, and 40 % in favour of remaining a member – so, at the right time, this is a discussion people want to have.

“Whilst, in the short-term, nothing should deflect from the upcoming Assembly election, I welcome that, thanks to the Conservative Party, people across Wales will now get to have that debate and make an informed, free choice.”

In the interview, Lord Kinnock said: “On the Right, of course, there are different factors at work. Basically, what we’ve got is an isolationist tendency which has become more substantial, and in a sense, Enoch Powell from his grave has been winning the argument.”

Last November, an aide to Conservative Shadow Economy Minister Will Graham, Daniel Mason, wrote: ‘Enoch Powell gave a speech “rivers of blood”… worth reading today… “Blood on the streets” the ranting of a mad racist or a visionary?’ shortly after the Paris attacks. He was given a written warning by Mr Graham.
