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Plan to make cuts to Welsh Books Council shelved

welsh-books-01THE WELSH GOVERNMENT has decided against a proposal to cut the Welsh Books Council’s budget by 10%, in a move which has delighted publishers in Wales.

The Welsh Books Council, based in Aberystwyth, is a large supporter of the Welsh publishing industry, providing grants and various other services.

The proposed budget cut was discussed in the Senedd and was attended by representatives of Welsh authors and publishing companies, who briefed the AMs on the impact that a 10% budget cut would have on the vital Welsh books service.

It was argued during the meeting that minimising the Welsh Books Council’s budget would’ve had a knock-on effect on Welsh bilingual publishing companies, booksellers and authors, as well as on the advertising and distribution of books published in Wales.

Elin Jones, Plaid Cymru’s Ceredigion Assembly Member, who sponsored the Senedd event, stated that: “our creative industry is a major symbol of Welsh culture overseas”, suggesting that the proposed slashing of the budget would have a knock-on effect for Welsh Tourism and beyond.

The Deputy Minister of Culture recently delivered a public message saying that there are now going to be no cuts to the budget, due to the vital contribution the Welsh Books Council makes to the creative industry in Wales.

Elin Jones responded to the outcome of the event, saying that: “This change of heart from the Welsh Government is excellent news for printers and the wide range of people involved in literature and publishing. I congratulate all the authors and publishers who have led an excellent campaign on this issue.”
