Home » Girls shine at summer games.

Girls shine at summer games.

Girls with medals Special Olympics.THREE gymnasts from Pembrokeshire Special Needs Gymnastics Club were selected as part of the Welsh squad to compete in the Special Olympics in Bath this August.
Jemma Bowie-Hallam, Emma Martin and Victoria Walters competed as part of the Welsh squad performing extremely well and returning to Pembrokeshire with an array of medals and ribbons.
Jemma Bowie – Hallam – five silver medals.
Emma Martin – one gold, one silver and three bronze medals.
Victoria Walters – one 4th place ribbon and four 5th place ribbons.
The club would like to thank people for all donations received. Without this generous support the club would not have been able to fundraise for the girls to attend the games
If anyone would like any further information about the club please contact Becky Joseph on 01646 600431.
