Home » Blaze under control in Milford Haven

Blaze under control in Milford Haven

firecloseFIRE CREWS from Milford Haven and Haverfordwest are dealing with a fire at a property at 5 Fulke Street, Milford Haven.
The fire, which started around 12.20pm today, originated on on the ground floor of the property which is used as a garage and workshop. Three fire appliances, an ambulance and police are at the scene. No injuries are reported, and the family who live on the first floor of the building were evacuated safely. Fire investigation officers have arrived at the scene to look into the cause of the blaze.
Witnesses at the scene reported hearing a series of loud bangs, and flames coming from the roof at the back of the property, and thick black smoke.
The fire was under control within half an hour, and fire fighters remain at the scene dampening down.
At one point Charles Street was closed off, and the bottom half of Fulke Street remains closed.


Fire fighters investigate the cause of a blaze in Milford Haven
Fire fighters investigate the cause of a blaze in Milford Haven
