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CCTV systems to return to towns

A NEW £2m CCTV system plan service has been announced – which means that cameras could return to towns across Wales.

The news follows a commitment by Dyfed-Powys Police and the Crime Panel to invest in CCTV systems within their region.

A new CCTV system could be functional in towns in Carmarthenshire, including Carmarthen, Llanelli, and Ammanford within the next six months.

CCTV systems were decommissioned by the former Commissioner, Christopher Salmon, in 2015 after he claimed it was not a deterrent for crime.

This move was controversial and proved unpopular with residents, business owners and organisations within the areas.

Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel chair, Alun Lloyd Jones, said: “CCTV is something that has been close to my heart for some time.

“I’m pleased that the Panel has asked previously to bring it back, and the sooner this happens the better.

“They allay the fear of crime and they are a very effective way of detecting criminals.”

Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn added: “The timescale is difficult because I inherited the previous budget, however I am planning a £2 million investment in CCTV.

“I have appointed a team of specialists who are going around the force area doing a plan of sites in the 14 major towns that would pass the threshold for the use of cameras in public places, and will look at the demand and volume of crime.

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“A project board has been set up and work has been initiated, I’m hoping that we’re going to start with Carmarthen, Llanelli and Ammanford within the next six months, then it would be rolled out to other towns.

“Careful consideration is being given to reinvestment of CCTV within our policing area and analysis of demand emerging from data relating to crime and anti-social behaviour is informing where CCTV will be implemented.

“The Police and Crime Commissioner has pledged the investment to CCTV and is committed to its roll out.

“This will commence with the three towns mentioned and then to others in Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys.”
It is expected that the new CCTV systems will record HD video for identifying criminals easier.
