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Flagship child care pledge promoted

Screen Shot 2016-04-14 at 09.24.30LABOUR’S list candidate for Mid and West Wales in the Assembly election was in Carmarthenshire this week, along with Marc Tierney – Labour’s candidate for the constituency of Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire and Dan Lodge – Preseli Pembs’ Labour candidate, to promote Labour’s flagship promise of offering 30 hours of free childcare for working parents of any 3 and 4 year old child.

Eluned Morgan said: “This is the most ambitious childcare offer in the UK promising 48 weeks of childcare per year- considerably more than the current limited offer in England.”

Labour’s pledge provides recognition of the fact that childcare costs have increased dramatically in recent years and stifles opportunities in particular for mothers to get back to work.

As a mother of two children, the former MEP and Lords Shadow Cabinet member commented: “Bringing up children is difficult and expensive, but it is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our communities. We need to make it easier for people to bear the strain by reducing the financial pressure, this offer will do that for thousands of parents throughout Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire.”

Marc Tierney also a father of three added: “We know that the cost and availability of holiday care is a challenge for working parents – particularly before their children start school full-time. Research shows that mothers in particular are often forced to cut working hours during the school holidays, which often has having a detrimental effect on family income and career progression.”

This pledge will also incentivise those who are put off taking up a job offer because of high child care costs.

Dan Lodge said: “We often hear people saying it’s not worth working by the time they’ve paid for childcare. Welsh Labour wants to do all it can to increase household income, reduce poverty and increase maternal employment.”

The policy is not prescriptive and childcare will be provided by a wide range of providers, as there is a recognition that rural provision may need to be different from what is delivered in an urban environment. These will include school based provision, child minders, playgroups and day care settings. On top of that Labour has ensured that the provision should be available in English and in Welsh.
