Home » Labour pledges to tackle loneliness

Labour pledges to tackle loneliness

Screen Shot 2016-04-27 at 11.50.56WELSH Labour this week (Apr 13) unveiled a plan to tackle loneliness and isolation in local communities if it forms the next Welsh Government.

Speaking during a visit to Men’s Sheds, in Pembroke Dock Carwyn Jones said the next Welsh Labour Government will develop a national strategy to address the dual phenomenon, which has a particular impact on people over 65.

The next Welsh Labour Government will bring together public services at a national, regional and local level with the third sector and – crucially – the public to plan, develop and deliver a strategy which responds to people’s needs across Wales.

First Minister Carwyn Jones said:“It is natural for us all to feel lonely at some time in our lives but growing numbers of older people say they feel lonely or isolated a lot of or all of the time.

“Feeling lonely or being isolated a lot of the time can have an impact on people’s general health and wellbeing – some experts have said its influence on mortality is bigger than obesity and similar to smoking.

“Loneliness has also been found to increase the risk of high blood pressure and has a significant impact on mental health.

“As families live further away from each other and people’s support networks are broken, we must do more as neighbours and as a country to look after each other and rebuild the bonds which have traditionally made our Welsh communities so strong.”

There are a wealth of examples of voluntary groups, councils, schools and health boards running innovative projects addressing isolation and loneliness in parts of Wales.

Men’s Sheds, the Women’s Institute and Live Music Now are just some of the schemes which bring together people who are either lonely or are at risk of feeling lonely or isolated and offer meaningful activities with others.

The strategy will aim to expand these schemes, in line with the needs of people living in different parts of Wales, and create a step-change in identifying and reaching out to people who are most at risk of developing ill health because of loneliness.

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