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Madge cops criticism

Government’s highways assessment ‘unbelievable’: Cllr Kevin Madge
No comment on nomination: Cllr Kevin Madge
No comment on nomination: Cllr Kevin Madge

PLAID CYMRU broke new ground in the election for Dyfed Powys’s Police and Crime Commissioner this week by criticising the selection of a candidate yet to be formally nominated.

Responding to the news that Kevin Madge will contest the Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner election for Labour, a Plaid Cymru spokesman said: “Mr Madge is a decent man who has worked hard for Garnant residents, but his self-defined ‘high-profile’ is regrettably for all the wrong reasons. Let’s not forget, this is a man who saw his own Labour party colleagues kick him of office for his failures in leading Carmarthenshire Council.

“With the election taking place on the same day as we elect our Assembly Members, Dyfed Powys really is a two-horse race between the current Conservative Commissioner and Plaid Cymru’s Dafydd Llywelyn.

“Labour supporters, who have already ousted Mr Madge from office once, and all those who wish to protect our police service from drastic cuts, should considering supporting the highly qualified Dafydd Llywelyn who, with 13 years’ experience working as the Principal Crime and Intelligence Analyst for Dyfed Powys, would undoubtedly be an outstanding Police Commissioner

While the selection of former County Council Leader Kevin Madge is all but assured, he has not yet been formally adopted by the Labour Party for May’s election when he would take on incumbent Tory Christopher Salmon and Plaid Cymru’s Dafydd Llywelyn.

The Herald became aware of Cllr Madge’s intention to seek the nomination in December and last weekend we were informed that Cllr Madge had almost secured the necessary nominations to stand for Labour. We contacted Cllr Madge, who told us it would be inappropriate for him to comment until after the nomination process had been completed.

Cllr Madge subsequently declined to respond to Plaid Cymru’s observations on his prospective
