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Mini meadows will help pollinators

Extracting nectar: Help the honey bees and their pollinator friends
Extracting nectar: Help the honey bees and their pollinator friends

CARMARTHENSHIRE Biodiversity Partnership are urging the county to set aside a small area of their garden for pollination, let your grass grow and help the wildlife set seeds.

Helping plants pollinate, insects such as bees, moths, hoverflies and butterflies set seeds and maintain the variety of plant species, habitats and wildlife in Wales.

They get a share of the nectar the flower produces but – due to the loss of habitat and plants to feed on – many of these pollinators are now under threat.

Carmarthenshire Biodiversity Partnership are urging everyone to help these pollinators and the wildlife of the county. They are asking people to set aside a small area of lawn or grass that they manage at home or as part of school grounds, cemeteries, public buildings, play areas or around their business.

Simple steps such as providing areas of grass of different heights, changing the number of times they mow the grass and adjusting the height of the mower blade will all help, meaning that you don’t have to lose your lawn to lend a helping hand.

It doesn’t have to be the whole lawn – just leaving small areas can help. Reducing the use of fertilisers and herbicides will also lend a hand.

Biodiversity Officer Isabel Macho said: “Well-managed lawns and grassy areas are a familiar sight and great for relaxing, playing games and picnics. However, regularly mown grass is not great for wildlife as plants do not get a chance to flower and set seed.”

“As an experiment why not mark out a one metre square of lawn and let the grass grow and flower – it can be fascinating to see the range of insect life that will live in your mini meadow.

“Listen for grasshoppers, watch for bees and count the butterflies. Daisies, dandelions and clover, which often spring up if grass is left to grow, are all important for pollinators.

“Dandelions flower from very early in the year, just as bees are emerging and then daisies take over and flower to late summer. By leaving small areas of grass to grow everyone can help pollinators.”

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