Home » Monkton and Milford communities enjoy Fun Days

Monkton and Milford communities enjoy Fun Days

TWO community fun days were held recently for tenants living in Monkton and the Mount Estate, Milford Haven.

The events were organised jointly by the housing department at Pembrokeshire County Council and ateb, a housing association.

At Monkton, the local group Monkton Young People First organised children’s activities including parachute games and biscuit decorating while Mac Sports ran family sports and other activities.

Eco Champions community co-ordinator Mark Bond ran a recycling activity encouraging tenants to swap their plastic milk bottles for glass ones and giving out contact details for local milkmen.

Residents also took part in a litter pick on the estate, talked money management with financial officer Peter Dickinson, chatted with local police and fire service officers and enjoyed healthy snacks and drinks.

Families on the Mount Estate took part in an enthusiastic litter pick

At Milford Haven, the Mount Estate Parent Play Team (MEPPT) relaunched their play sessions after a break over the winter months, with various play, arts and crafts activities, badminton, bikes and scooters, and free hot dogs and drinks.

Thanks to ateb’s digi-van, residents were helped to sign up for Universal Credit and get online, while Public Health Wales held healthy food cookery demos with wraps, fruit pots and other options.

Residents also took part in a clean-up of the estate, while police and housing staff from the Council and ateb were available for informal chats and to answer any questions from tenants.

“Both events were very successful and saw a large number of residents from the estates and surrounding areas come along to get involved,” said Nia Davies, Customer Liaison Officer for Pembrokeshire County Council.
