Home » Outdoor group exercise classes to begin

Outdoor group exercise classes to begin

PEMBROKESHIRE Leisure will be launching an alternative outdoor group exercise class timetable from Monday, August 3.

Those eagerly awaiting the return to exercise classes will be able to enjoy themselves under the safety and supervision of some of Pembrokeshire’s most recognisable and popular coaches and Instructors.

All outdoor classes will have social distancing and safety measures in place.

There will be hand sanitiser available and those taking part will be asked to bring their own equipment.

Spaces will be limited to ensure everyone’s safety and classes will need to be booked and paid for in advance (at £3 per class) at https://pembrokeshireleisure.co.uk/covid-19-info/outdoor-classes/

The outdoor classes will be hybrids of some of the most popular classes.

Julie Ashley Jones of Pembrokeshire Leisure, said: “Improving people’s mental and physical wellbeing through exercise is at the centre of what we do.

“Since lockdown we have been looking at safe and effective ways to welcome our users back to our facilities.

“Our key concern has and will always be keeping both our staff and our customers safe. While we put the finishing touches to our re-opening plans we all felt that getting people into some healthy outdoor pursuits under our support and guidance would start the ball rolling.”

Julie acknowledged that people will now be eagerly anticipating the re-opening of leisure centres, although a date is yet to be confirmed.

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She added: “We know that there are many users keen to come back and those who will be nervous or unsure about returning.

“We want to make sure that we can inspire confidence in those returning that we are doing all we can to keep people safe.

“While we prepare our centres and importantly our team to look after all of our users, we would like to thank all of our customers for their continued support and their patience.

“Please know all the feedback shared via our surveys has been extremely useful and will help guide us on returning everyone safely to exercise.”

Customers can keep up to date with future announcements via the Pembrokeshire Leisure app available for Apple and Android, www.pembrokeshireleisure.co.uk and social media.
