PARTICIPANTS of a promotional video that has been made for the National Park Walkability Project have made positive comments, such as ‘I never thought I’d feel this fit after what I went through’. The project was part funded by a Support for Life grant, obtained by the Friends of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, and has helped people of all abilities to enjoy the spectacular countryside and coast around them.
The video, created by film-maker Mark Bond, features a snapshot of the wide range of groups who make use of the project, detailing their experiences and explaining how being part of Walkability has benefited them. Paul Casson, Walkability Project Co-ordinator said: “This video provides several great examples of what Walkability is all about – helping people of all abilities get out and about in the beautiful Pembrokeshire countryside.
“The aim is to use the money and resources to help local people engage in walking as an activity to improve their health and well being. “We hope the video will encourage more people to come forward to make use of the Walkability Project and discover these benefits for themselves.” Since July 2011, Walkability has supported over 600 groups, reaching over 6,000 participants at 150 venues around Pembrokeshire.
The project has also trained a number of walk leaders so that even more people are able to benefit from the walking opportunities on offer. To view the video or for more information, visit
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