Home » Police highlight signs of domestic abuse during summer ‘spike’
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Police highlight signs of domestic abuse during summer ‘spike’

DYFED-POWYS POLICE is urging people to report all signs of domestic abuse this summer.

Throughout the summer holidays, officers will be visiting campsites, tourist attractions and the night-time economy, to talk to people about domestic abuse.

They will provide guidance on the signs of domestic abuse and encourage people not to be afraid to call the police if they see or hear something that concerns them.

Efforts to raise awareness amongst the public will be supported by targeted enforcement activity holding domestic abusers to account for their actions and learning lessons from those affected.

This work is being carried out by police as part of Operation Heirloom, as reports of domestic abuse are higher during July and August in Dyfed-Powys than any other time of the year.

Superintendent Anthony Griffiths, Head of the Protecting Vulnerable People Unit, said: “Domestic abuse is not only violence. It can be physical, sexual, emotional or financial abuse, threats and causing damage to property are all ways of controlling someone.

“Unfortunately, the summer holidays are a period where we see an increase in the number of reports of domestic abuse. Hotspots include campsites, beaches, tourist attractions and bars. People may be visiting the area, or have gone for a day out or out for the evening and for whatever reason, very often alcohol, things get out of control and someone becomes abusive.

“I urge anyone concerned about someone, whether family member, friend, neighbour or someone you’ve seen on holiday or a day out that needs help, to report it to police.

“As part of Operation Heirloom, our summer focus on domestic abuse, we’re urging members of the public who hear or see anything that concerns them to report it to police immediately. They should not feel worried that they will be interfering if they get involved or think that it’s a private matter. Your phone call or support could make a real difference.”

The operation will run until the end of September and is part of the overall forcewide summer campaign #EnjoyDPP. It will focus on: keeping communities safe by targeting perpetrators of domestic abuse at every opportunity; safeguarding vulnerable victims through support from specially trained officers and disclosures through Clare’s Law to give people the information that could protect them from domestic abuse; protect those affected from serious harm, by seeking prosecutions and work to increase confidence to report in communities.

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Signs to look out for:

  • One partner seems afraid of the other, or very anxious to please him or her
  • One partner often criticises or humiliates the other in front of other people
  • You can see physical injuries (bruises, broken bones, sprains, cuts etc) and may have been given unlikely explanation for their injuries
  • One partner is reluctant to leave children with the other partner.

For support and advice:

  • Call the abuse and violence helpline Live Fear Free helpline on 0808 8010 800
  • Download the free Brightsky app – it’s full of information and has a secret setting to help protect your privacy
  • Visit dyfed-powys.police.uk/ClaresLaw to learn about a scheme where you can find out if your current or potential partner has a history of abuse or violence.
  • Visit ncdv.org.uk for free legal help, quickly

To report domestic abuse call police on 101. If you’re reporting to police as abuse is happening call 999.

