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Stephen Crabb confirms Prime Minister bid

stephencrabbSTEPHEN CRABB MP has officially confirmed his plan to become the leader of the Conservative party and next Prime Minister, replacing David Cameron.

Mr Crabb stated in the Daily Telegraph that: “The government I intend to lead will choose the latter path – a path of optimism and pragmatism, which, I believe, will lead Britain to better days.

“We cannot allow this leadership election to be defined by divisive labels like “Remainer” and “Brexiteer”. The quicker we can focus on the future, the better chance we have to unite our party and the country.

“I want to lead a government that delivers on the expectations of the 17 million people who voted for Britain to leave the EU. One of the overwhelming messages from that vote was the need to take back control of immigration policy in the UK. So for me, freedom of movement is a red line.

“There are communities who haven’t felt the benefits of globalisation and still suffer the aftershocks of the 2008 financial crash. People are stuck on low wages – even no wages – despairing at their hollowed-out town centres. So my government will confront it, spreading opportunities to every corner of Britain. The modern compassionate Conservative Party will tear down the barriers that hold people back.”

Sajid Javid, the current Business Secretary, will be Mr Crabb’s number two in the campaign, who would then become Chancellor.

Mr. Crabb was first elected as MP for Preseli Pembrokeshire in 2005 and was previously Secretary of State for Wales before his promotion this year. The nominations for the leadership candidates begin today (June 29) and close tomorrow (June 30) at midday.

David Cameron announced his intention to step down as Prime Minister following a vote to leave the European Union last week. The favourite for the position is currently Boris Johnson, who was a prominent figure in the Leave campaign.
