Home » Stroke mortality rates increase in Wales

Stroke mortality rates increase in Wales

Screen Shot 2016-02-22 at 12.42.30OVER the last twelve months, mortality rates amongst patients who have suffered a stroke have increased in Hywel Dda University Health Board, despite the Welsh Government announcing that more people were surviving strokes across Wales.

The latest figures show that a trend is moving upwards in mortality from Stroke within Hywel Dda UHB, with the local health board seeing a mortality rate of 17.5%, higher when compared to the average in Wales of 15.2%.

Previously Hywel Dda was performing better than the Wales average, but it is now also one of the three health boards to see mortality from stroke increase over the last year, with figures going up by 2.8%.

Plaid Cymru candidate to the National Assembly for Wales and former MP, Adam Price said: “There is certainly some positive news in relation to stroke survival across Wales. This is a testament to the hard work of first-responders, increased public awareness and the healthcare professionals who work around the clock to look after patients. We should certainly praise and celebrate this success whilst continuously looking for ways in which we can improve services year on year.

“In the context of the national picture, however, statistics suggest there to be issues in west Wales as mortality rates from stroke within Hywel Dda have increased over the last year. Hywel Dda health board was performing better than the Wales national average for stroke survival one year ago, but it is now performing noticeably worse. We need to know why this is the case, particularly when the neighbouring health board has seen the mortality rate decrease.”

Over the same duration, mortality from stroke in Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board had decreased by 2.4%.

The Welsh government published a report last week, the Stoke Annual Report for 2015, which has hailed the improvement in stroke survival rates across Wales.

Adam Price is questioning what will happen in West Wales for the increase, and calls to the Welsh government to give greater support, explaining: “Within the last few weeks one Doctor has expressed concern with physiotherapy treatment for stroke patients within Hywel Dda, stating that it is “injurious to patient care” as stoke patients fail to get the required rehabilitation treatment. Is this related to the increase in stroke mortality?

“In what is a complex medical condition, looking at just one aspect of care like physiotherapy is perhaps too simplistic. But we nevertheless need answers on what is causing mortality rates to increase in west Wales, and indeed why we have seen the highest increase in mortality of all Welsh health boards.

“I want our health service and the people who put in their heart and soul to make it function to have the best support possible. There seems to be a clear case for the Welsh Government to better support the local health board in this regard. There should be no hesitation in that support being provided.”

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