Home » Tributes paid to coronavirus response at first cabinet meeting

Tributes paid to coronavirus response at first cabinet meeting

Members of the Pembrokeshire County Council Cabinet met remotely
for the first time today, Monday 18 th May.

The meeting was chaired by Council Leader, Cllr David Simpson, with
Cabinet members joining the meeting online from home.

The meeting was streamed live online as normal.

Cllr Simpson led colleagues in a minute’s silence for those who have
lost their lives with Covid-19.

The Council Leader also paid tribute to everyone who continues to
work tirelessly in response to the outbreak.

“Covid-19 has been a very emotional experience for us all,” he said.
“Everyone should be proud of how you have played your part and
continue to do so as Team Pembrokeshire.”

Following the meeting, Cllr Simpson added: “I feel it went very well.
My thanks go to the teams who made it happen.

“Like everyone responding to the current situation we have had to
adapt. The Cabinet has kept in close contact via Skype and this was
a natural next step.

“We were able to work through the agenda effectively and each
Cabinet Member was able to make their points as if we had been sat
around the table.”


