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Turnaround completion sparks joy for Valero

valeroCELEBRATIONS are underway as a major planned maintenance turnaround of the Valero Pembroke Refinery have been completed. In an attempt to improve the refinery’s reliability and performance, the turnaround saw an additional 1,600 contractors join the workforce of around 1000 to complete a series of complex inspections, repairs and engineering projects, which began in September.

Ed Tomp, the Refinery General Manager said: “Completing the turnaround is a major achievement, and entirely thanks to the hard work and determination of our staff and the many local engineering companies that support the Pembrokeshire energy sector.” He continued to speak of how delighted he was with the ‘incredible amount of time and effort’ people had put in to the turnaround.

The refinery’s processing equipment received major upgrades, and one of the flare stacks were replaced. Mr Tomp said: “Many hotels and restaurants will have benefited from the spending by the specialist travelling contractors employed for the duration of the turnaround. This is another significant investment into the Pembrokeshire economy by Valero for the future of the future of the refinery.”
