Home » Residents give feedback on proposed 7.9% increase to council tax

Residents give feedback on proposed 7.9% increase to council tax

Caerphilly County Borough Council offices

CAERPHILLY County Borough Council is proposing to raise council tax by 7.9% as part of its budget for 2023/24. Here’s what residents think.

Aaron Smith said: “It’s just an extra thing on top for them to get more money out of us and I don’t think it’s right.”

In 2022/23, council tax increased by 1.9%, less than a quarter of the increase proposed this year.

Barbara Thomas said: “It’s a lot, particularly as I wouldn’t say Caerphilly are increasing what they’re doing for the people of Caerphilly. But, I must admit their refuse is good – collection, things like that.”

Glyn Wright said: “I think we’re all too ready to blame the council for not doing things, when sometimes we could actually do a bit more ourselves to help the council.

“So, I’m not totally against it but like everybody else we’re all getting a bit short of money, so nobody wants to see any particular rises with anything at the moment.”

Darren Thomas said: “I can understand the increase to cover the cost-of-living and the wages, but I think everybody is struggling.”

He added: “It’s still really difficult for people. It’s understanding where that money goes and what value for money people are getting.”

Vicky Popadic said: “Services have been cut, nothing has come back, they’re not supplying anything different, I don’t know how they can justify putting it up.

“There will not be very many happy people in Caerphilly, I can tell you that.”

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Council leader Sean Morgan said: “It’s important to note that even with a 7.9% council tax increase, Caerphilly will remain one of the very lowest council tax rates in the whole of Wales.”

Final proposals will be presented to cabinet members at a meeting on Wednesday February 22. If approved the budget will be put to full council for a final decision on Thursday February 23.

