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Severn Primary School Receives positive evaluation from Estyn

Severn Primary School in Canton has been commended by Estyn for its commitment to creating a safe, inclusive environment that prepares pupils for active participation in society.

During a recent visit, inspectors from Wales’s Education Inspectorate, found a number of positive strengths at the school including;

  • Positive Learning Environment: Pupils at Severn Primary expressed enjoyment in attending the school, citing a sense of safety and care with the school commended for its commitment to equality and inclusion.
  • Effective Leadership: The headteacher, appointed in September 2018, leads the school with professionalism and compassion. Governors support leaders well, managing spending diligently and maintaining a robust safeguarding culture.
  • Engagement with Parents: Leaders and staff at Severn Primary have established strong relationships with parents with parents found to value the care and guidance provided by the school.
  • Teaching Quality: Many teachers at Severn Primary plan stimulating lessons with clear learning objectives, resulting in pupils making good progress, particularly in literacy and mathematics.

Overall, a positive report, a series of areas for improvement were identified which include;

  • Health and Safety: Addressing a maintenance issue relating to the roof.
  • Feedback Mechanism: The effective use of feedback to support pupil progress and foster independence requires development.
  • Digital and Numeracy Skills Integration: Opportunities for pupils to apply their digital and numeracy skills across the curriculum need improvement.

The school will now address the recommendations provided by Estyn by working collaboratively with its leadership, staff, the Local Authority and the wider community to enhance the overall learning experience for its pupils.

Nick Wilson, Headteacher at the school, said; “I am very pleased with our Estyn report. It reflects the fantastic teamwork, hard work and professionalism demonstrated by all staff, on a daily basis to improve outcomes for pupils.

“It is a privilege to work in such a diverse school community with parents and governors who are truly committed to working with the school in order to support their children to achieve not only their best work but to develop into kind, capable and ethically informed citizens of the future. I would like to thank all stakeholders for their commitment and support in helping Severn Primary School provide the best education possible for our wonderful pupils.”

Andy Roberts, chair of the governing body, said: “It’s truly heart-warming to be recognised for our achievements in one of the most diverse neighbourhoods in Wales. As a parent and a governor, I’ve seen how well staff, pupils and their families from all backgrounds work together and support each other to make this school a real community.”

Cardiff’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Cllr Sarah merry said: “Estyn have highlighted the many ways that Severn Primary School provides a nurturing and inclusive learning environment for its pupils.

I particularly enjoyed hearing that pupils celebrate a variety of cultures and the value placed on the school’s diverse community aids pupils’ development as well informed and ethical citizens with a sound understanding of fairness and equality.

“Congratulations to the head, staff and wider school community, the school will now be supported to address the recommendations from Estyn.”

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Severn Primary School had 472 primary school pupils on roll at the time of inspection. 28.3% of pupils are eligible for free school meals, while 10.1% are identified as having additional learning needs. 53.2% of pupils have English as an additional language.

Estyn has adopted a new approach to inspection in schools and Pupil Referral Units across Wales. Inspection reports will no longer include summative gradings (e.g. ‘Excellent’, ‘Good’ or ‘Adequate’) and now focus on how well providers are helping a child to learn.

The new approach aligns with the personalisation of the new curriculum for Wales with inspections involving more in-person discussions, placing less emphasis on achievement data.

Estyn believe that the new inspection approach will make it easier for providers to gain meaningful insights that help them to improve without the spotlight on a judgement.
