A BEDROOM extension to a home in Chepstow’s conservation area has been given the green light by planners.
The detached house, Rivendell, in a cul-de-sac, Rockwood Road, isn’t listed as a ‘blue’ building in the conservation appraisal and is described as making a limited contribution to the historic area.
Monmouthshire County Council’s planning department said, though the new front bedroom would be visible to the public and impact the amenity and character of the area, its design is not considered to result in “any unacceptable visual impact that would be harmful to the amenity or character of the area”.
The ridge height of 7.1 metres from the ground will also be lower than the existing ridge “which assists the extension appearing as a secondary and subordinate element”.
A bird box fitted on the front elevation and a bat box on the side elevation are considered to meet the planning policy of providing a biodiversity enhancement and a group of protected trees the north west of the house will be unaffected by the development.
Rivendell was the peaceful home of the Elves in J. R. R. Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings series.