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New Mayor announced for city of Newport

Cllr Ray Mogford at the Newport mayoral ceremony (Pic: LDRS)

COUNCILLOR Ray Mogford has been named the mayor of Newport for 2024/25.

Following a robing ceremony at the Civic Centre on Tuesday (May 21), he told colleagues it was a “privilege and an honour” to be elected to represent the city in a ceremonial role for the next year.

Cllr Mogford, who grew up in Newport, has represented the Conservative Party in the Bishton and Langstone ward since 2012.

He served in the Royal Air Force before entering the semiconductor industry, and retired in 2022.

The new mayor has chosen the Severn Area Rescue Association (SARA) and Sparkle as his two charities for the year ahead.

SARA is a lifeboat charity covering the length of the River Severn, and has a station in Newport.

Sparkle is a children’s charity which provides leisure services and childhood experiences for young people who have complex needs.

Cllr Mogford and his wife Sallie, the new mayoress, will represent Newport City Council at various events over the next 12 months.

He told colleagues at Tuesday’s ceremony he was “geared up for a very busy year ahead”.

Rogerstone North councillor Chris Reeks – also Conservative – will serve as the new deputy mayor.

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Cllr Reeks joined the council in 2022 and also runs a manufacturing business in Newport. His wife Jane will serve as the new deputy mayoress.

“I very much enjoy being able to help and support the residents of Rogerstone North ward and Newport as a whole, and always aim to make a difference, where I can, to people’s lives,” Cllr Reeks said following Tuesday’s ceremony.

“It is a great honour for me to be elected as deputy mayor and along with my wife as deputy mayoress, we look forward to doing our best on behalf of Newport’s residents and the city itself.”

Outgoing mayor Cllr Trevor Watkins and mayoress Catherine Karlson were thanked for their service over the past year.

Labour Cllr Jane Mudd, who stepped down as council leader on Tuesday, said Cllr Watkins’ “endless energy really is an example to us all”.

Cllr Dimitri Batrouni, the new council leader, added his thanks to Cllr Watkins for doing a “fantastic job” as mayor, and told colleagues that new mayor Cllr Mogford “will do a great job” in the role.
