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AM supports level crossing safety campaign

Screen Shot 2016-08-25 at 10.14.50ANGELA BURNS has pledged her support for Network Rail’s flagship level crossing safety campaign at a special event held at the National Assembly for Wales recently. 

Angela attended the event and signed a pledge board in support of the Network Rail level crossing safety campaign.

The event highlighted that the level crossing just west of Whitland is one of the top five locations for level crossing misuse in Wales and the borders.

The safety campaign targets those who use level crossings most often, including young people, commuters, cyclists, pedestrians, dog walkers, tourists and commercial drivers and provides them with specific information to stay safe when crossing the railway.

There are approximately 6,500 level crossings in Great Britain, including 1,100 across Wales and the borders. While the majority of people cross the railway safely, there were 275 incidents at level crossings in the past year in Wales, including five collisions and 27 near-misses. Between 2009 and 2014, there were 28 deaths at level crossings across Great Britain, including many that could have been prevented.

Angela Burns, Assembly Member for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire, said: “I am glad to be able to support the Network Rail campaign to improve safety on level crossings and I welcome the work and extra investment that they are making. I am only to aware of the danger that level crossings can pose if they are not treated with respect and care. We have seen for ourselves the chaos and danger that can be caused if drivers take risks or get stranded on level crossings when a train collided with a lorry just outside Whitland in 2011.

“I encourage all road users to pay extra attention when crossing a level crossing and I encourage parents to discuss with their children the dangers of not paying attention when using such roads to help ensure that train passengers, pedestrians and road users remain safe.”

Tracey Young, Wales’s Community Safety Manager for Network Rail, added: “The railway continues to get busier so it’s more important than ever for people to use level crossings safely. We are grateful that Angela took the time to learn more about our campaign – her support will be really important in promoting the safe use of crossings across Wales.

“As part of our railway upgrade plan, Network Rail is investing more than £100 million in improving level crossing safety across Britain. We need motorists, cyclists and pedestrians to do their bit too by paying attention to the warnings at level crossings, avoiding distractions, and staying safe when crossing the railway.”
