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Elin Jones meets Ugandan coffee farmer to learn more about Fairtrade

​​Elin Jones AM and Fairtrade farmer Nimrod Wambette: At Aberystwyth Arts Centre
​​Elin Jones AM and Fairtrade farmer Nimrod Wambette: At Aberystwyth Arts Centre
​​Elin Jones AM and Fairtrade farmer Nimrod Wambette: At Aberystwyth Arts Centre

CEREDIGION’S local Plaid Cymru AM Elin Jones has backed Fairtrade Wales’s “Sit down for breakfast, Stand up for farmers” campaign, and discussed Fairtrade issues with a coffee farmer from Uganda, Nimrod Wambette.

Mr. Wambette and Fairtrade Wales visited Ceredigion as part of its campaign, holding a breakfast at Aberystwyth Arts Centre. Aberystwyth has long had an active Fairtrade group.

Nimrod Wambette is a coffee farmer in Konokoyi, Uganda. He grew up at the foothills of Mt. Elgon in Eastern Uganda, where his father worked growing and selling coffee to pay for Nimrod and his siblings to go to school. Nimrod is now a member of the Gumutindo coffee cooperative, a Fairtrade producer group.

Nimrod Wambette said: “Since joining the Fairtrade family, the horizon for us small farmers looks brighter with each harvest.”

Ceredigion AM Elin Jones said; “I very much enjoyed meeting Nimrod Wambette to learn more about how Fairtrade can help farmers in developing countries. I congratulate Fairtrade Wales on holding this event in Ceredigion, and hope awareness of their work will continue to be raised.”
