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Come and have your say on plans for the Fishguard Integrated Health Centre

Photo by Barry Town United

THE LOCAL health board, Hywel Dda, is moving forward with plans to develop the Fishguard Integrated Health and Well-being Centre in Pembrokeshire.

In a press release this week, the health board said that will share the plans for the proposed facility during a drop-in session at the Phoenix Centre, in Goodwick, on Wednesday 29 June. The public is invited to attend at any time between 3pm-6pm. They will have the opportunity to ask questions and give their views on the initial proposed services.

The new centre would support the population across north Pembrokeshire from Solva and St Davids in the west, to Fishguard and Newport.

The health board’s long-term aim is to create an integrated, patient-focused, community-based model of care. Communities will eventually see health and care shift from a focus on illness to a service that works across boundaries to prevent ill health or deterioration of health, providing help earlier, and wherever possible, closer to home.

Elaine Lorton, County Director for Pembrokeshire at Hywel Dda UHB, said: “The global COVID-19 pandemic understandably resulted in a shift in focus over the past couple of years. We are now keen to get out and engage with people about this facility. We want to share our thoughts for the proposed centre, reflect on what people have previously told us, and of course get further feedback from them.

“We are committed to an ongoing process of engagement with communities and partners, so this event will be the first. This process of listening to communities will be an important part of developing our business case, which will be submitted to Welsh Government for the funding.”

Fishguard Integrated Health and Well-being Centre is being developed in partnership with Pembrokeshire County Council, and work is ongoing with other Partners to explore how we can work more closely together.
