CARMARTHENSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL is congratulating all GCSEs pupils for their hard work and determination in what has been an extraordinarily challenging year.
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, this year’s assessment and qualification process has been different to previous years with summer examinations cancelled.
Instead, a new system was designed and delivered by schools and colleges based on a range of assessment evidence on which to determine a learner’s grade.
Final results have been published today (August 12) and show that over a quarter (28.7%) of GCSE students earned A*-A grades nationally.
Almost three quarters (73.6%) received A*-C grades, and overall 98.5% of students passed their GCSEs with grades of A*-G.
Cllr Glynog Davies, Executive Board Member for Education and Children’s Services, said everyone who has received their exam results should be proud of what they’ve achieved.
“On behalf of the council I’d like to congratulate all our learners and wish them well for their onward journey.
“This year once again, due to the ongoing pandemic, has presented exceptional challenges for our students and our teachers, and I want to thank everyone for their extraordinary efforts and resilience, and for the great support staff, students and families have shown to one another.
“The effort, commitment and strength of character our learners have shown cannot be underestimated and their results are fully deserved.”
Director of Education and Children’s Services Gareth Morgans added: “I am extremely proud of our learners for all that they have achieved during such challenging circumstances, the last 18 months has seen huge disruption to their studies, but they have continued to work hard, and I want to congratulate every single one of them. I wish them all the very best for the future whether they are staying in education, training or employment.
“Our school staff have also had to work under a lot of pressure to deliver and mark learners’ assessments, and I want to take this opportunity to thank them for their continued hard work and commitment.”
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