Home » Narberth: Man admits sexual activity with underage girl
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Narberth: Man admits sexual activity with underage girl

A NARBERTH man has been warned he could go to prison after he admitted sexual activity with an underage girl.

Nathan Lloyd, aged 24, appeared before Judge Keith Thomas at Swansea Crown Court for a plea and trial preparation hearing.

Lloyd, of Adams Drive, admitted sexual activity with the girl in January 2015.

He denied a similar offence alleged to have taken place the month before.

Robin Rouch, prosecuting, said it was not possible to prove Lloyd knew the girl was only 15 in the December but he did by the January.

He said when the police investigation began it was into more serious allegations. But an examination of mobile telephones revealed text messages ‘that showed a different picture.’

Lloyd’s barrister, James Hartson, said he accepted his behaviour had been unlawful although the victim had been only a few months away from the age of consent.

Judge Keith Thomas warned Lloyd the offending remained serious and the sentencing judge might decide that a prison sentence was necessary.

There was evidence of grooming, the use of alcohol and the booking of a hotel room.

Lloyd will be sentenced after a probation officer has prepared a report into his background.

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Meanwhile, he was ordered to register with the police as a sex offender.

Lloyd was granted bail but ordered not to contact any girl under the age of 16.
