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Olivia chops her hair for charity

LLANDOVERY COLLEGE PREP SCHOOL pupil Olivia White has cut her hair for charity. The eleven year old from Cynghordy had been inspired to support the Little Princess Trust through seeing a family friend suffering from childhood leukaemia and the subsequent loss of her hair.

The trust provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children suffering from hair loss due to cancer treatment, thereby improving their sense of wellbeing and having a truly positive impact on their lives and that of their families.

Not only has Olivia raised money for the charity through sponsorship (currently over £1,000) but also her long flowing locks will actually be used to make a wig. Olivia said: “It makes me feel happy, I will miss my hair but it is going to a good cause.”

The ‘Mane Event’ happened at Shipshape Hair Salon, Brecon on Wednesday March 18.

The Little Princess Trust was set up in memory of Hannah Tarplee, a little girl from Hereford who sadly lost her short battle with cancer in June 2005. When chemotherapy caused the loss of her hair, Hannah’s parents found it difficult to obtain a suitable wig in a child’s size. After Hannah’s death, they set up the charity so that as many children as possible in similar circumstances would receive a real hair wig, free of charge and as quickly as possible. The Charity helps boys and girls from all over the UK and Ireland; further information can be found on their website www.littleprincesses. org.uk
