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Otter advice given after recent sightings

SIGNS advising members of the public about how to treat otters have been given to the Discovery Centre at North Dock after recent sightings in the area.

It is thought that the signs are a response to a group of swimmers approaching an otter in North Dock.

Darren Harries, Vice Chair of the UK Wild Otter Trust (UKWOT), said: “Part of our role lies in educating organisations and the public in the importance of having otters in the area. They also attract visitors to the area, so it is very important that both are able to coexist.”

Dave Webb, Founder and Chair of the Trust added: “We are seeing an upturn in facility use particularly in this area. We are aware of several otters being killed on the roads there and it is very important that any disturbance is kept to an absolute minimum.

“As a result of this, we have produced and supplied some helpful advice signs that will be placed at strategic points by Darren once they are ready for use.”

Dave has recently been awarded with the IFAW Conservation in Action award at the House of Lords and the welfare of the species is paramount to anything that the trust does.

Ian Humphries, Education officer for UKWOT said: “Education about the species is key to its success at breeding and ongoing welfare so we strive to give the information and help to those areas that may be lacking in knowing what to do if and when they do see an otter. Hopefully, the signs will help with that.”
