AN APPEAL against a refusal to grant planning permission for a four-bedroomed house in Llanteg has been dismissed by a Planning Inspector.
Peter and Diane Brown’s appeal proposal was a resubmission to Pembrokeshire County Council for a new dwelling with amended highway access. Their previous application was rejected because of an access issue. The new proposal overcame that objection, but did not succeed as it failed to meet the provisions of the Pembrokeshire County Council Local Development Plan (LDP), which was adopted in February 2013.
Under LDP policies, Llanteg is identified as a Small Local Village, within which new residential development will only be permitted if it comprises local needs affordable housing. The previous scheme proposed by Mr and Mrs Brown had been submitted in 2012 under the Pembrokeshire Joint Unitary Development Plan (JUDP), whose policies did not restrict new housing development to local needs affordable housing.
“I understand the frustration felt that if there had been knowledge of the access issue at the outset, the initial proposal might have been amended, and still determined under the provisions of the JUDP,” said Inspector Alwyn Nixon.
“However, the statutory duty on me is to determine the appeal having regard to the development plan now in force.
“I conclude that material considerations do not exist which are sufficient to outweigh the provisions of the development plan concerning the restriction of new residential development in Llanteg to local needs affordable housing. The appeal therefore does not succeed.”
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